Hawea/Luggate Intensive Winter Grazing Workshop

28 Mar 2023, 4:00pm–6:00pm NZDT

Wai Wanaka, 185 Riverbank Road, Wānaka, New Zealand Map

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What to Expect:
1. Introduction of ORC staff and attending support staff (i.e. MPI, Beef+Lamb)
2. Short 20 minute presentation from ORC team
3. Break into small groups or individuals to complete 'Winter Grazing Plans' and 'Consent Application Form'.

What you need to bring:
1. Whole Farm Map.
2. Individual Paddock Maps of Forage Crops for 2023.

3. Any existing relevant Farm Plans, Grazing Management Plans and information on soils, slope i.e. from consultants, Beef+Lamb, DairyNZ, NZFAP etc. Please note this is not needed but if you have this information already it may be useful to bring along.

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Bookings for this event have now closed.

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